"There is Life
and then there is living," - sle. This might be an old one. Saw a lot of people tonight and something was just missing. They were going through motions and, assuming, enjoying themselves, but were they. More like just wanting something to do. No spirit, no joy. Just motion. Is living always life? Sweet Pea. She is so wonderful. She brings living to my life. But, it is not meant to be. Things are getting there, but slowly, which is OK. I am learning and growing. The photos from the James Webb telescope are nice. Amazing. And we are suppose to believe we can comprehend God. Don't think so. Tomorrow. At work. Stomach still a little trouble. Sweet Pea still has her cough. Just read an article written Jerry Lee Lewis' young bride. Interesting. She was the mature one it seems and he was the child. Haha. Got a phone call made. T...