
Showing posts from October, 2022

"There is Life

 and then there is living," - sle.  This might be an old one.  Saw a lot of people tonight and something was just missing.  They were going through motions and, assuming, enjoying themselves, but were they.  More like just wanting something to do.  No spirit, no joy.  Just motion.  Is living always life?  Sweet Pea.  She is so wonderful.  She brings living to my life.  But, it is not meant to be.  Things are getting there, but slowly, which is OK.  I am learning and growing.  The photos from the James Webb telescope are nice.  Amazing.  And we are suppose to believe we can comprehend God.  Don't think so.  Tomorrow.  At work.  Stomach still a little trouble.  Sweet Pea still has her cough.  Just read an article written Jerry Lee Lewis' young bride.  Interesting.  She was the mature one it seems and he was the child.  Haha.  Got a phone call made.  T...

"Romance is the Honey

 to mend broken hearts," - sle.  Read about different things for healing wounds.  Whew.  So many things and so much out there.  Just not things to consider for healing wounds but the so many items that can be used.  I am using med honey which seems good, but it has a negative issue to it.  Like most things out there, good and bad.  Guess by the time I get my toe completely healed up I will know a lot of different stuff, but which one to use?  Romance.  Just seems to add to life, add a little flavor to love, to lift one above the everyday, but it has to be the right one to make it last longer and to make it worthwhile.  Hopefully, forever.  Sweet Pea is something else.  She makes me think of dreams.  But, we know how that goes.  Some people can't step up to herself.  Well, few more minutes to sleep.  Going to set an alarm and try to "get up" earlier.  Might go out tomorrow by myself for awhile....

"Time Flies,

 only in the minds of men," - sle.  Watching Rio Bravo.  Thought about going out, but will stay in.  Getting too late.  In bed most of the day.  Don't know if it helped the toe, it seems to be doing better, however, but still not quite healed.  Oh, boy.  Let the dogs out a few times.  Sweet Pea got up and came in the room 10:30 or so, I think.  I took a bath and worked on my toe.  The med honey pads should do the job eventually.  Played some Roblox with Boo for awhile.  My back, haha.  The way I have to lay on the bed to play.  Rosie got onto the bed for a few minutes.  Got to watch her so she don't fall off the bed.  Walter Brennan.  He was a character.  Stomach still bothering me some.  John Wayne, Dean Martin, Angie Dickerson, and Rickie Nelson and Warren BOnd.  All-star cast.  Nice movie.  Researched the movie.  Naturally, it came before El Dorado.  Saw that E...

"Art, as Beauty, is

 in the eyes, ears, and touch of the beholder," - sle.  Was walking the lane waiting for the school bus and Sweet Pea.  Scanning the rocks looking for something special.  Something to create a work of art.  Then the thought came to me.  What makes art?  The eyes of the beholder.  Makes sense to me.  Now, back to the movie, My Man Godfrey, in color.  Color does add to things.  The U.S. economy is growing, but it proves my point that numbers can be twisted and misleading.  An article came out and explained how the economy went up when prices and inflation is going up.  Interesting, it wasn't good.  Again, proved my point.  The colorization of the movie, also, improved the resolution.  Real nice.  And color adds something to the movie.  More details to the eyes.  I love the ending.  Love Carole Lombard in it.  She is fantastic.  Read on how she died.  Plane crash due to pilot ...

"Time Is A Mystery,

 for man to solve," - sle.  Like many things in life, time has several definitions.  I am working on my definition of it so I may understand it.  Just another something to occupy my mind and thoughts.  For how can man truly understand things of another dimension, another world.  This isn't the same movie I thought of before.  Not too sure if I like all the different special effects of this movie.  Different for sure.  Pretty good movie.  Love in the Villa, now.  Seen it before, do remember the ending now some.  Ain't too bad.  Well, let me check the news.  Watching The Gallant Hours, about Admiral Halsey and seems like Guadalcanal.  Has me thinking.  Hit an emotional moment for a second.  Felt emotionally tired.  James Cagney is Admiral Halsey.  Cagney was a great actor and I don't think he gets the credit he should, today.  He is great in this movie.  One of the officers in the movi...

"Body and Mind,

the right marriage together, produces a child of His spirit," - sle.  Did exercises.  Almost forgot them.  Cool day and nice.  Sweet Pea.  She has such a nice voice, epecially in the morning.  Breakfast was oatmeal.  Gotta work on my toe.  Not changing much.  Will have to try the medical honey, again.  As long as, it doesn't get worse.  Might try to vote, today.  Stomach isn't too bad.  A few gas bubbles here and there.  Think it was some bad oil on some sweet potato chips I tried.  Thought there was something wrong with them.  Heard "Uncle Ken," this morning.  Maybe she is learning how it was for her mother.  Think Janet learned to appreciate my assistance with Mr. Kenny.  And he seems more verbal and vocal.  Well, time to go votte.  Then, work.  Take that back, just heard, "OK, Ken."  Well, things change quickly, haha.  Voting went well.  Class did, too.  S...

"Sins of War,

 those of Satan or of Man," - sle.  Watched the King tonight.  They had a big, muddy battle.  Men killing each other for what.  When will man evolve.  Tomorrow.  Slept well in a way, but stomach issues bothered me throughout the night.  Didn't really sleep well until after dogs taken care of and baby got off to school.  Stomach still troubling me.  Nothing extremely bad.  Just an upset feeling that won't go away.  Sweet Pea is so sweet.  Looking for the battery charger this morning but it was never returned.  Reading news and stuff.  Today was the start of the first kamikaze attackes by the Japanese.  History.  Think people would learn.  Apparently, not.  World is not becoming a better place, for sure.  Do love the little condelenses card from my colleagues yesterday.  Beautiful design.  Well, time for feeding dogs and doing exercises and breakfast, haha.  Exercises went we...

"The Best Arts and Craft

 are those with part of the creator's soul," - sle.  Watched a movie with a Scottish castle, with Brooke Shields.  A scene in a big room with some large paintings I thought of the frame and the craftmanship that went into it.  You don't see it on TV, but the carvings and design is there.  Like most old crafted stuff.  Saw King Tut's exhibit and Alexander the Great's.  The details and stuff.  The museum at Gettysburg.  Paintings and things I have seen in the past.  Can feel a little bit of the craftman's and artist's soul in the pieces.  Amazing.  The quality.  Time for bed.  Need to go to work early.  Advising.  Gotta help the students.  Tomorrow.  Slept well, but gassy feeling in the stomach.  Like a sour stomach.  Got to watch my nighttime eating, or it might be something I am catching, or bad food?  Sweet Pea, love those high-top shoes sound.  Mr. Kenny seems to be in a talka...

"To Believe, Begins

 and ends with actions," - sle.  Watching Terminator 3.  The first one is a classic.  I like this one better than the second.  "You said you were going to let me go."  "I lied."  Haha.  Got midterm grades done, so feel relieved.  Just relaxing a little bit now.  Thinking like my blog has become a journal.  Did good naming it.  Still a few things on my list and will probably look at getting ready for getting some stuff ready for my lawyer.  Seems like a great fellow and knows his stuff.  We shall see.  Tomorrow.  Great morning.  Sweet Pea woke me after I left out the dogs and went back into bed.  Thought she would be gone for the day, but guess not.  She got onto YouTube.  I layed in bed until nearly noon.  Exercises and breakfast.  Went to Target and got some stuff.  Found a English style? hat and scarf for her.  Stopped at Walmart for some pickles and milk, got a litt...

"When Are Words Not Words?

 When they are of the Spirit," - sle.  Finished watching The Greatest Story Ever Told.  I like it.  Can make you think.  Now, documentary, William the Conqueror.  Few more students to record for tonight.  Finish tomorrow and doing midterm grades. Ton of hot chocolate tonight.  Do enjoy it.  The Ozempic is helping.  Not losing much weight, but seems like a change in the fat on me.  Just seem more tone.  Also, my abs are getting better and stomach a little flatter, though not quite there. Break watching documentary and get the dog bowls ready for tomorrow.  Finished my school stuff for tonight.  Someone mentioned I will lose Sweet Pea no matter which direction I go, so think of yourself.  So, going to try the best option for everyone in settling things here at the house.  If they don't work out, will just walk away.  Oh, if you have a phone with cellular 5G and AT&T, may want to check what kind of sim...

"The Best Time to Relive

 is the present?" - sle.  17, again.  Oh, 17.  Thought it was a lucky number and, in a way, depending upon how you look at it, it was.  Time to go back to work.  The tablet is working out great for scoring my discussions.  Great.  Nice hot bath.  Need to check dishes.  I don't pick them up anymore.  Trying to keep mine in my bathroom and clean them myself, but still need to do the dog bowls.  Got to get some work done for the lawyer tomorrow.  Seems like God has been leading the way.  Need to keep working on school work, too, tomorrow and Saturday, probably.  Tomorrow.  Worked late, but slept well and late, so.  Seeing all that Sweet Pea will lose.  All because of an immature, ignorant, arrogant, self-righteous little girl that hasn't grown up.  Working and doing stuff like cutting grass and pressure washing houses, whatever, doesn't make you grown up.  Anyway, all old hat, but doesn't me...

"The Mind of Man

 is much more than what he knows," - sle.  Watched a little video on the Antikythera mechanism.  A computer made by the Greeks in the 2nd century B.C.  Keeping it simple, it was a very complex mechanism for calculating the motions of the moons and other objects in space into the future.  Very accurate.  Read once of a medical device made by the Roman which was as good, if not better, than many in today's world.  Used on the eyes, I believe.  And some of the things that the ancients did that amazes us, like operating on the skull for brain injuries and more.  Just so much we don't understand how the ancients did it.  Man has apparently greatly went forward in knowledge, but for reasons, went backward, like the dark ages.  People.  Little Sweet Pea.  Knowing the day is getting nearer for us to say good-bye.  Still cry out, God why?  Potential blinded by ignorance and arrogance.  Self-righteousness.  Tomor...

"There Are Many Meanings

 'IN' life, but only one reason 'FOR' life," - sle.  I am trying to find my meaning in life, for I have already found the reason for life.  Guess my question now is how to get back into writing my Head Winds & Epitaphs remaining episodes.  Need that one person to stand by me and give me the strength to want to move ahead.  It is so easy to keep moving through life, but purpose to do more than just keep up the motions.  To get ahead and be more.  It felt so good to be around someone the other day that I could talk to and relate to.  Having my goal of starting anew in the new year is helping me stand firm.  Learning everyday how strong Sweet Pea can be.  It wouldn't take long for her to forget me.  But oh, how much more life will be harder for her.  A mother that just doesn't have common sense, that is so self-righteous, thinks she knows so much of the world but can't see a phony standing in front of her.  The b*stard ha...

"Sometimes in Life,

 you bet on the wrong horse," - sle.  Phenomenon, tonight.  Great movie.  Read some on Frederick Douglas' speech, "Our Composite Nation."  Frederick Doublas kinda missed the point.  Instead of realizing what he was calling for, equality, means there is no composite nation.  All men are created equal, therefore, the nation is one, not a composite.  Make it simple stupid is an old saying.  One is an simple as you can get.  The movie kinda showed me that things do have to come to an end.  It is the fact that instead of working with me to provide Sweet Pea a good life, her mom worked against me.  Sometimes, we do bet on the wrong horse.  In this case, God's horse lost.  Still thinking of what it 'will' feel like when I find the right one.  Just will always miss Sweet Pea.  She deserves better.  A mom that cares more for her than being trash and leaning on trash.  Guess, we all can be fooled by someone,...

"The Price of True Love

can be high," - sle.  I know all the pain and suffering I have done, and will probably keep on doing, I could have avoided, but Sweet Pea is worth it.  She seems to be handling it pretty well.  Seems like she, in a way, accepts my hating the creep.  I really don't like the fact the creep's son has called Sweet Pea a couple of bad names.  Sure mom made excuses for it.  Just slow steps, but getting there.  Learning more and more.  And I am feeling stronger all the time.  People, like Boo's mom, really think I am stupid.  I will never just sit there and listen to a liar.  Don't know her ass from a hole in the ground, but is going to BS me like he does her.  Well, she is a liar.  She was with Janet, but Janet was her mother.  I am not and don't plan to ever believe her.  She is a LIAR! and it comes to her easily.  Janet always forgave her.  I won't.  Her lying and trashy behavior is only going to hurt ...

"The Rights in Life

 are overshadowed by the wrongs," - sle.  Iranian police are sexually assaulting women in public.  Where is the outrage around the world?  Where is the headlines?  Men and women being the same.  Don't think so.  Love my hot chocolate.  One more.  Sixth or seventh.  Waiting for end of movie and dishes.  The Ozempic doesn't provide any energy, but takes away the hunger pangs, it seems.  Does something with the insulin control, too.  Diabetes.  One of my Christmas movies is not on Netflix anymore.  Found John Wick on Roku.  Love the beginning.  Don't kill a man's dog, especially given to him from his dead wife.  The killing in it.  Do love Keanu Reeves in it.  He would love to make a Ghost Rider movie.  Have to wait and see.  Hair feels good and clean.  Kroger buying Albertsons.  Interesing.  Dishes picked up.  Movies do make me laugh, too, and sometimes cry....

"Dreams May Be Shared,

but the best dreams, those 'lived' together," - sle.  Will see what tomorrow brings.  Still a few groceries to pick up.  Bond is good.  Saw this one years and years ago.  Today''s modern technology seems so much more.  A 4-minute oxygen supply lasted pretty long.  Does make you laugh.  Love the endings with the girls, haha.  Time for dishes.  The hostess from the other day and a woman I met for a few minutes today and one the other day, too, you could just sense they were grown women.  No, BS, just friendly and doing their work.  Knowing their stuff and not trying to blow smoke up your ?  They can have good times but be meaningful, too,  No, need to act and be silly, which is fine, but in a more mature way.  Not a childish way.  Hard to put in words.  Having substance and confidence in oneself and not trying to BS people in thinking you are something you are not.  Not being phony.  Anyway, it ...

"Man shall not live by bread alone,

 nor shall woman," - sle.  My new nickname from the other night, Pronto... haha... Sweet Pea does make me laugh... so does God... I think He enjoys making me laugh... sometimes a laugh of pain, new title for a writing, "Laughs of Pain"... I just don't see any solutions to my dilemma in January?... just maybe some kind of trust for Sweet Pea... times are going to get so much rougher... just no one out there looking out for The People... a few have good names and are trying some stuff, but no mavericks for getting out on the streets and getting The People to fight back...  someone to raise them UP... that is the evil with socialism... it pulls people down and doesn't raise them to be better... and not even equal... people will 'never' be equal... just won't work... common sense... sad... to see people try so hard to fight for a home and keep it and to see this one just go to the side of the road, I do have to question God?... Sweet Pea deserves a good h...

"Untitled Begins Our Life,

 will we write our own title, or will someone else?" - sle.  Going to have to come up with a title for my life, haha.  Waiting for dishes.  Watching the end of the movie.  The mother of the girl.  What we can learn from her.  Watched a little Demon Slayer with Sweet Pea.  Japanese anime.  Movie getting more interesting.  Revenge is sweet.  Movies aren't really life, just maybe true to life.  I seek not revenge but a peaceful life.  The girl brought him a new life.  He thinks the girl is dead, but she ain't.  Interesting movie.  Him seeking revenge.  Still waiting for dishes.  Money drives the world.  Dishes almost done.  More of a Kung Fu leaning person.  David Carradine.  Near the end of movie.  Dishes almost done.  Longer than I thought for dishes.  A teary eyed ending.  Does make me wonder how I keep going on.  Really does.  How I lived this long...

"There are No Setbacks in Life,

 life only goes forward," - sle.  Guess there are setback in life.  I forgot to turn the dishwasher on.  So, bed won't be mine until after midnight most likely.  Hehe.  I don't give make-ups very often, if at all, really.  I don't like my students worrying about going back.  Want them to keep going forward.  That is rough enough.  I mainly emphasize the final exam.  It carries more points.  Decided on Robin Hood again for tonight.  Foundation.  Word from the movie.  Good buildings need good foundations.  That is the same for a home; family.  A good foundation depends upon those building it and the materials used.  Noticed today the foundation of this land.  How beautiful this property is.  How strong its foundation could be.  Just something to consider after the new year.  Can I take the chance of finding someone to help me build a foundation here.  Or, should I consider ge...

"Deja vu, He said to Himself,

 then to His mind, Himself," - sle.  Dog food.  Not only more expensive but less of it.  Only three types of dry dog food in big bags at Sams.  A bunch of smaller snack stuff.  Less cost in total per unit.  Got two big bags, but even those were smaller than the regular ones they carried.  Bruce Willis has a short part in the movie.  Saw an article on Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd together again.  Fame and fortune are nice but can't buy everything.  Three coffees are enough.  Movie over.  Sweet Pea picked up, lol, in the back.  The ghost snuck up through the kitchen, "Chance save me."  Haha.  He didn't but the ghost went to the back after grabbing a snack.  She was hungry tonight, 4 bread sticks.  I got the temp and time down on the air fryer.  Does feel peaceful tonight.  Time for emails and computer.  Back to room, maybe dishes first if finished.  Toe doctor.  Ugh....

"The greatest belief and faith isn't

 in words or the mind, but in one's actions," = sle.  Draft title for tomorrow.  Now, maybe I can send my summer schedule.  Sweet Pea is so sweet.  Does make me laugh.  Thinking of Alicia and sending her my prayers.  Hope I got her name right.  Terrible with names and spelling them.  What am I missing?  "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days," still trying to figure it out some, but does make me laugh so far.  If real life was like that, it would even be more funny.  Haha.  Sweet Pea makes me think.  What is more important, screwing around or ones daughter or son?  So easy to produce one, but what are they really worth?  Quite honest, one reason I appreciate God.  Luckily, he kept me out of the temptation.  Any man can fall prey to it, but never had the opportunity.  Don't like how he did it so much, but His results were what were best for me.  To make me grow up so fast and become responsible so ...

"Much more to Death than Death,

 for killing drives man," - sle.  Cary Grant was great in the movie, "The Amazing Adventure."  The quality of the movie wasn't much, but proved money can buy happiness.  It was a cute movie.  Waiting for dishes.  Been watching a documentary series on modern navies seems like since WWI.  Early 1900's.  Amazing.  Aircraft carriers, battleships, had some film on the World Trade Center's two buildings.  Russia has a weapon, according to them, which can create tsunamis.  Amazing, when I realized how war and killing has advanced man.  Guess it has to.  How else would man advance?  Why would they other than killing each other?  Will man evolve above that?  Tomorrow, visiting around, including a visit to mom and dad.  Randy does amaze me.  He does love children.  Asks about Sweet Pea when I visit.  Why isn't she with me?  He knows how much she means to me.  Dreadnoughts.  Lead up t...