"The greatest belief and faith isn't
in words or the mind, but in one's actions," = sle. Draft title for tomorrow. Now, maybe I can send my summer schedule. Sweet Pea is so sweet. Does make me laugh. Thinking of Alicia and sending her my prayers. Hope I got her name right. Terrible with names and spelling them. What am I missing? "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days," still trying to figure it out some, but does make me laugh so far. If real life was like that, it would even be more funny. Haha. Sweet Pea makes me think. What is more important, screwing around or ones daughter or son? So easy to produce one, but what are they really worth? Quite honest, one reason I appreciate God. Luckily, he kept me out of the temptation. Any man can fall prey to it, but never had the opportunity. Don't like how he did it so much, but His results were what were best for me. To make me grow up so fast and become responsible so quickly. It was an experience. Apparently, He doesn't have the best concept of time. Haha. Could have been more creative. Haha. Sweet Pea. Does make me laugh so much. Figuring out the movie a little bit more. It is funny. Princess Sophia. Haha. 'Hot blood.' I figured out many, many years ago I was hot blooded. 'Frost yourself,' the movie is getting funnier the more I understand it. I think being hot blooded adds to my romance side, but also, the side that can get a man into trouble or, definitely, change their life, especially if it is not the right woman. Well, waiting for that one, God. Getting there. The movie. Haha. How is it going to end? It is getting funnier, haha. BS, lol. Do have to find someone wanting some romance in life, damn! life is hard and more hard and the mostest hard. Who in the hell wouldn't appreciate some romance in it? Times have changed I guess. I do like Matthew McConaughey and Kate Hudson together. The end is near. Cute ending. Time for sleep. Class tomorrow. The thing about people that don't believe in God or that has doubts about God is not the fact they don't or that they have doubts, but the fact they are limiting their 'thinking'. Not being able to conceive of the concept of God means the person is limited in their 'thinking'. I am a firm believer in 'thinking.' By limiting their thinking, they are limiting their intellect. I am always trying to expand my concept of God. Only God knows if my concept is right or not. I know that I am 'thinking', right or wrong. Tomorrow. At school. Nearing class time. Beligan woman 20s 'euthanized' for mental trauma from a bombing a few years ago. It just hit me. Mr. Kenny caught me this morning, in that, he needed some advice. He doesn't mind Penelope waking him and all but not the other children being in his room. He has medicines. And some of his snuff is picked up and he doesn't know where it is at. He has no empathy for who he is. He was to let out some of his frustrations with banging a car or a punching bad might do. And doing some more praying. I try not to say too much. Try to watch it. Well, time for class. Did shopping. Watching "Chocolat" with Johnny Depp and, wait a sec, Juliette Binoche. Cute little movie. God is a funny man. Interesting movie. Johnny Depp is a great actor, but there is a personality about him. More than charisma. The bastards in the world part is coming. Gotta have bad guys. Gathering words and feelings for writing, but how to put them all together into one. Not tonight. Today has been a great day. The peace. Don't expect it to last. See that the new year will be an interesting one. Belonging somewhere... the price is too high. From the movie. People. Some good lessons to learn from the movie. I guess I can see too deeply into things. The cowardness of people. How some people can be such trash. The evil. They encourage the evil, then act as if they knew not of it. Life is so hard, yet, people tend to make it even more difficult and they know not why? Anyway, an interesting movie. Luckily, the town people in the movie grow strong and strength and fight to give someone a home. Someone that gave them the reason to be strong. The power of His chocolate over self-righteousness. And on Easter Sunday. Haha. The priest's little speech was nice. Waiting to see if Johnny Depp shows up. The North Wind, where did that come up from? Have to watch it again. Oh, she finds a home. Hopefully, Johnny Depp, too. Haha. That old North Wind. A kangroo hopping off at the end. Definitely, will have to watch it again. Haha. Beautiful town. Over. Sweet Pea home and on YouTube. Ocean's Twelve. The one I like. Only have seen a couple of them. Time for news. Brad Pitt, haha. Oh, check classes. May have to come up with some titles and, maybe, start a writing. Got dishes started. Haha. Waiting for the shoe to drop. Haha. A little hard to follow some, but I like the ending. Time for news. A title is in the mind some. Got to find the right time for developing it. Toe doctor tomorrow. God is a funny man. Big new, Saturday Night Live is telling jokes about Biden, haha. Well, do have a good night. And, God bless. Sweet Pea is talking with mom. Boo is the greatest. Came out wanting me for something and forgot. Haha. Good night.
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