"The Mind of Man

 is much more than what he knows," - sle.  Watched a little video on the Antikythera mechanism.  A computer made by the Greeks in the 2nd century B.C.  Keeping it simple, it was a very complex mechanism for calculating the motions of the moons and other objects in space into the future.  Very accurate.  Read once of a medical device made by the Roman which was as good, if not better, than many in today's world.  Used on the eyes, I believe.  And some of the things that the ancients did that amazes us, like operating on the skull for brain injuries and more.  Just so much we don't understand how the ancients did it.  Man has apparently greatly went forward in knowledge, but for reasons, went backward, like the dark ages.  People.  Little Sweet Pea.  Knowing the day is getting nearer for us to say good-bye.  Still cry out, God why?  Potential blinded by ignorance and arrogance.  Self-righteousness.  Tomorrow.  Little Chinese food, maybe, visit to a flea market.  Maybe find something for Boo.  Making her happy, makes me happy.  We have such a good relationship.  Tomorrow.  Slept well.  Heard Sweet Pea this morning.  Again, how does a mother not want what is best for her daughter, definitely, not being trash.  Been accused of stealing her credit card, she found it.  Accused on stealing Sweet Pea's phone.  It was found.  I am trying to keep a roof over Sweet Pea's, Mr. Kenny's, and the dogs heads and she has nothing but stole from me and fought me every inch and has not given me a dime.  So, ain't feeling too bad in getting away.  Saw some tank shells on the show about the Tiger tank.  Makes me think of a single bullet.  How it can be the solution to all problems.  Haha.  Well, time to get on the road.  Urge for Chinese.  Stopping by flea market.  Flea market was nice.  Wish I had more time to keep up with old antiques, such as glass, unique items, almost anything.  Remember Pennsylvania house being filled with such stuff. Chinese plan was open.  Got fortune cookie but no fortune slip.  Haha.  God is a funny man, or coincidences?  Sweet Pea had a sad day, a teacher she likes is leaving for several months.  Got some legal stuff ready for tomorrow, learning new stuff every day almost, haha.  Lawyer should hopefully straighten out things.  We will see.  How to deal with my discussion posts has been on my mind, to make it easier.  Getting there.  Developing a new scheme of things with my spreadsheet.  Riding things out.  But the new year is looking good getting out of here.  What a home Sweet Pea has, but it is incomplete.  May she find one one day.  She is playing with friends.  Back to spreadsheet.  Changed things in the summer.  Finding out it is turning out better than what I thought.  Little more manual input from input sheet, writing in totals, but manual is making it easier.  Boy, it is coming out great.  Lot simpler and easier with my new tablet.  Can work from the couch and the new scheme I have from the summer is working out great with a little adjustment to scoring.  Sweet Pea, great night.  She is so wonderful.  Hope tomorrow goes well and I can find out more about how to finish up things here.  Can't believe people still can think I cheated on Janet.  No, way!  That just ain't me.  Even when I knew we were more companions than anything else.  Not even when we were divorced, still thought of us being married.  And we all know being married don't really mean sh*t to anyone.  Sweet Pea is going to bed.  Just can't believe how bad of judgement someone can have.  Anyway. good night.  God bless.  I hope one day to get back to writing.  Titles and thoughts come to mind a lot.  What a creep he is and just can't believe how naive anyone can be to fall for his crap.  Such a phony.  Christmas with a View right now.  Have to finish the Wackiest Ship in the Army tonight on my TV.  Don't have it in the front room.  How much I am becoming the man I should have been.  Oh, saw a new movie title tonight, 17 Again.  No, way.  Never want to be 17 again.  No, way.  The ending of the movie tonight reminds me of the situation here.  Bad guys don't have a tag on them.  Go by their actions and your experiences.  He is a creep.  Even Chance, especially, knows it.  Enough.


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