"Romance is the Honey

 to mend broken hearts," - sle.  Read about different things for healing wounds.  Whew.  So many things and so much out there.  Just not things to consider for healing wounds but the so many items that can be used.  I am using med honey which seems good, but it has a negative issue to it.  Like most things out there, good and bad.  Guess by the time I get my toe completely healed up I will know a lot of different stuff, but which one to use?  Romance.  Just seems to add to life, add a little flavor to love, to lift one above the everyday, but it has to be the right one to make it last longer and to make it worthwhile.  Hopefully, forever.  Sweet Pea is something else.  She makes me think of dreams.  But, we know how that goes.  Some people can't step up to herself.  Well, few more minutes to sleep.  Going to set an alarm and try to "get up" earlier.  Might go out tomorrow by myself for awhile.  May even get some Jolly Ranchers.  Boo wants some.  Haha.  A hard candy she seems to like.  Who really knows with her.  Tomorrow.  Beautiful morning with Sweet Pea.  Woke me up wanting to play Roblox.  We played, well, she plays, I basically get to hold the table, on the bed.  She doesn't like me running around getting into trouble.  She is always the mommy and I the little boy.  My, my.  Anyway, it is fun.  Just have to wiggle around for my back, haha.  And Chance laying at my feet.  Washing clothes now and having breakfast.  Wash my clothes about once a week or so.  I have enough to let pile up in a hamper until then.  Man in UK.  An old veterans, who looks like he can barely get out of his chair, arrested for posting something against LGTBG, whatever.  Coming to America, soon.  Man took a wrong turn and saw a house on fire.  Saved the people inside, four children and a young adult.  5 out of 7 dogs died.  Know about taking a wrong turn.  Hope to get things straightened out by early next year.  Went out by myself.  Went and had some "hot chocolate."  It was good.  Enjoyed myself.  Little over a month of school left this semester.  Shouldn't be too hard to finish up.  Watching "War Wagon".  Brings back memory.  Mom was separated from dad and was living in download New Orleans.  Little of a fog there, haha.  Anyway, my brother and I went to see the movie and we thought we had enough, student prices, well, guess we weren't the right students.  We didn't have enough.  So, I went in and he stayed outside.  His birthday was Oct. 22.  I forgot it, though I thought of it a few times before and after.  Just one of those memories.  Nice movie, but I don't like it that much.  Not the biggest Kirk Douglas fan.  Feel a little chilly tonight.  Boo still has a cough.  She seems to always have one around this time of year.  And throughout winter.  Passed through some areas of Baton Rouge I wouldn't want to live around.  A bunch of apartment complexes.  So tight together.  We lived in a couple but nothing like those.  And nothing wrong with them, just so many, so tight together, and kinda worn.  Wouldn't want to break down around there.  Don't know anything about vaping, but can cause irregular heatbeat.  A Princess for Christmas.  Found it on a free app.  Went off Netflix.  Nice little movie.  When over, hope to get to bed.  Good night.  God bless.


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