"Body and Mind,
the right marriage together, produces a child of His spirit," - sle. Did exercises. Almost forgot them. Cool day and nice. Sweet Pea. She has such a nice voice, epecially in the morning. Breakfast was oatmeal. Gotta work on my toe. Not changing much. Will have to try the medical honey, again. As long as, it doesn't get worse. Might try to vote, today. Stomach isn't too bad. A few gas bubbles here and there. Think it was some bad oil on some sweet potato chips I tried. Thought there was something wrong with them. Heard "Uncle Ken," this morning. Maybe she is learning how it was for her mother. Think Janet learned to appreciate my assistance with Mr. Kenny. And he seems more verbal and vocal. Well, time to go votte. Then, work. Take that back, just heard, "OK, Ken." Well, things change quickly, haha. Voting went well. Class did, too. Sweet Pea on YouTube, now. Watching Sherlock Holmes, Games of Shadows. Catching it from the beginning. Like the end of it. Not the biggest Holmes fan. Loved Basil Ratbone's ones, though. Boy, things are so terrible in today's world. If things hold out, the northeast will have it bad this year with heating oil. But, mother nature has her own agenda. Lot of people on the road, today. Tomorrow, some lawyer time will be needed. Hope he is in. Boo has a cough. Hope she gets better soon. She always has trouble with a cough each winter. The movie isn't too bad. Prefer the mystery ones more than the action ones, but this one ain't too bad. A question is on mind, but an old one and has no real answer. A puzzlement. Sweet Pea is fine, now. That is what counts. Tomorrow, that is for God. Things will be getting worse for the next few years. Survival will become a little harder. Just hope no one gets too crazy out there Can change in a blink of an eye. Signing off now. Dishes are washing. I don't pick them up anymore. Just get the dog bowls and fill them for the morning. I keep a few things in my bathroom for personal use. Try not to lean on anyone too much. Did a little school work for textbooks and advising. Have to start on organizing my school emails and get rid of my old ones. Never stops. Haha. Good night. God bless.
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