"The Bowels of Hell
live within us," - sle. Busy with school stuff and getting things done. Guess have given up on the property and trying to keep it for Penelope. I want it for myself is what I am being told. So many people today lack feelings, caring, and anything spiritual. I always wanted to be cold and feeling-less, but have grown to really appreciate having feelings and spirit. Those demons may have been the things that saved me. Fighting them, myself, and keeping away from the temptations of the 'Devil', battling him, I stayed out of harms way until I was ready to be 'myself'. Lost some years there, but hopefully, have a few left. My belly pouch is getting smaller and I can see abs. Am feeling so much better. Time to check up on emails and news. Last day of classes for the semester. Don't like the final exam being in the evening this coming Monday, but it is what it is. The blender and morning drinks are working out...