"The Thought of The Meaning of Life, In Itself, Is The Meaning of Life," - sle
Intelligence is not what separates us from the other animals of the world. It is the questioning of the meaning of life and why we are here is what separate us from the other animals, including other humans. Not all people need a meaning. Not all people can see that the meaning is not of this world, but another. One above what we, as humans, can see. Rising above human is what people should strive, and some have, but know not that they have except by 'feelings' that they feel. It is a love, a caring that transcends the plane of this world into the other world, for a lack of a better term. How does one explain spirit? How can we see it? How can we touch it? How does it feel? Is spirit our thoughts, our thinking? Is spirit limited to our body, our mind, our soul? Is soul spirit? If soul is spirit and God is spirit, then God is within us all. Who is God? Who are we? Who am i? Are we all connected in a way, in a plane of existence we can't see, we don't know that is there? There is a meaning to it all, but do we achieve it by being human or rising above? Or is rising above the meaning? Rising above for what purpose? ...for whom? Nice day coming to an end. Waiting for dishes to wash. Right now, feeling like I have more than one me inside me and my need is how to bring them together to be me. No, not so much a better me, but one me. One me knowing me and not trying to put us all together. Not questioning our existence each individually. Knowing we exist as one and able to focus on rising above that phycial plane into His plane. Time to end the night. A commerical creates the thoughts, memories, time. Are memories all lost to time? How does memories, thoughts, time, present, past, and future relate? How do they start, in a snap? How do they stop, in a bang against a wall? Are they separate or do they blend? Good night. God bless. Love the mornings when I can hear Sweet Pea. As much as I have written about her and what she means to me, people still can't quite understand. To keep it simple, "She makes me smile!" When you hate 'life' so much and you find someone that takes that feeling away from you, then how can you not love them so much? She makes me love life more than I hate it. Is it something that she has done, no. It is something God has done. God had created. And for some reason, people can't comprehend it. People have such trouble understanding God, and themselves. Sweet Pea, just thinking of her makes me smile and laugh, hahahaha. I write and talk a lot about God, but am not a religious man. God is not religion, to me. God is more. More than what we, as humans, can imagine. Anyway, my writing about Him is not to convince or change people's minds, but for me. And for me, I like to get people to 'think', to be more. Sadly, people still have trouble understanding me and my viewpoints on God. Most people are so limited to the physical world. No, not saying I am better, just different than most. "Chastized" is the word still on my mind. Seems like the people that uses words like that need to be chastized more than anyone. To have such potential and to waste it because of the fear of being more. Sweet Pea, I wish God will help her to be more. She has a ways to go. That is what life is about. Growing up and being more. Rosie chewing on a rawhide. She is the most ugliest dog in a way, but her beauty shines with her sweetness. Looks do fool. Chance, he is different. All bark, 'no' bite. Finally, found a drink that I like, well, at least, the first one of three. Hope the other two flavors are as good. On sale, otherwise, wouldn't have gotten it. I do two yoga exercises in the morning, one isometric one, and one stretching one. Oh, one core exercise. Been working. Lost a lot of weight and gained some back, but the gain seems to be going back into different places. Not the belly, so much. Starting to show a little bit of abs, hahaha. Never had that. The long roads we all live. Time, does it exist? and if it does, is it what we think it is. I say not. I love my little tablet. Still getting use to some of the keys, but love typing on it. Almost time for work. Do have a great day and God bless. Know people have their own thought on what 'God bless' means, but my thought, not saying it is better, is different. God encompasses so much more than words. He is spirit and with 'God bless' that is what I am sending. More than the words. Take care and be safe.
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