"In rocks, we find eyes and

faces of life.  Imagination," - sle.  Have a small box with a bunch of small rocks in it.  Been looking for that special rock.  I found it way back when, but for some reason, don't want to go forward with it.  Getting to where I will have to go through the rocks and find that special one.  Hope I didn't see something there that isn't there.  Had to make the heading for the next draft before it left my mind.  Boo is off to the back room.  School tomorrow.  I find rocks in the lane, the one coming to the house and the one that goes to the neighbor.  Oh, met someone today that lives nearby.  Pretty woman, but just doing her work.  Wanted to get my headings done before they skipped the water into oblivion.  Since imagination exists, is it real?  Is it reality?  Dreams exist.  Are they reality?  My tablet does have a pen stylus.  Will have to find my rock and see what I can do with photos of it and a little artistic touch of a pen stylus.  Still haven't dealt with my plaques.  So, good night.  "Tomorrow is only an imagination.  An imagination is real, so is tomorrow real?" - sle.  The Silencers to end the night while finishing my New Quizzes on Canvas certificate.  Love Dean Martin, in that, he is so cool.  Bigger fan of Our Man Flint.  James Coburn.  It is a little better quality than The Silencers.  Both series of movies, Dean Martin's (4) and James Coburn's (3), made me laugh.  What is nice about those movie apps that are free and have ads, the ads give you time to take a break.  Don't have to worry about pausing and restarting.  Almost finished with New Quizzes and the video questions, ugh!  Stella Stevens, I believe, saw her name on the internet when checking how many movies Dean made.  She is funny in the movie.  Walking disaster area.  Haha.  The movies are so funny, in that, they are so silly.  Haha.  Maybe the night is almost done.  Minute or two to finish Gradebook Filter.  An one video certificate.  Hemingway's Florida home in Key West didn't get hit too hard.  Hemingway was a character.  Kinda like Mark Twain.  Loved their biographies.  Near bed time.  Finding out I can add more stuff when blogging on my desktop.  Beautiful morning.  Sweet Pea's voice did help start it some.  Another beautiful day.  Writing about the good stuff first.  Seems to always be something that they do here that pisses me off, excuse my French.  Anyway, took Mr. Kenny shopping and eating.  Had a couple of decisions to make there.  Went to the Sams more towards BR, one in BR.  It, normally, has water.  Get some 'heavy' water (40 bottles) for Mr. Kenny.  Got 4 cases.  And some beef jerky, sweet and hot.  Then went to Walmart near home after eating at Chick-fil-a.  Mr. Kenny loved their spicy chicken sandwich with hot sauce I put on, haha.  Anyway, many same old stories, but it makes him happy.  He has been more talkative lately.  Got Sweet Pea off the bus.  Bus been coming early.  We had a great walk home down the lane.  Nice conversation.  Boo is by friends' house.  They were here and had a great time.  Do worry about Boo coming home alone, but they don't live far and few people back here.  Am just a worry-wart.  Experimenting with Blogger.  Posting on the desktop and the blogger app on my tablet aren't syncing well.  So, trying Blogger from my tablet's browser.  It does have more things I can add, which is nice, but the type is smaller, so will have to see how to enlarge the screen size.  Always something.  God is a funny man.  Won't explain what I mean there, but He is.  He does love pulling and tugging on strings.  Haha.  Using the browser does have advantages.  Well, going to see if I can get some things done.  How do you lock a man out of his own shed?  Least, let him know where the key is.  Self-righteous people aren't so righteous, or courteous.  An apple a day is good for you.  Will have to start eating them more.  News is so terrible out there.  So many people being killed for 'no' reason at all.  Never been like this.  Never.  Got some work done I needed.  Maybe some school work now.  Maybe not, below.  Trying a couple of links, hehe.  Hand washed dishes tonight.  Someone broke the dish soap dispenser and put the broken pad back on.  Like I haven't done something like that before.  Haha.  Use to have nose bleeds for years and years and would wipe my bloody stuff on my bed sheets, the sides, thinking maybe my mother wouldn't notice.  Yeah, right.  She never, never mentioned it.  Mothers.  Like God, can't figure them out most of the times, except I knew how much she loved me.  I think she knew my strength, just wished she would have told me, haha. How some people treat their parents, including mothers so poorly, but then, forget.  Yet, more mothers forgive.  But how does a child forget?  I always held women high on a pedestal.  Better than men.  Over the years, I have learned they are human like men.  Some weak, some strong.  Humans are humans.  God, how can you love someone so much?  How I envy those that find someone strong enough to stand by their side and to say "Hell with the rest of the world!"  God is a funny man.  Back to school work..  Watching Cromwell.  Acting OK, but costumes and stuff seems off.  From my readings, Cromwell let power go to his head.  Politics and religion.  The death of so many good people.  God weeps.  Do have a great night sleep.  Do like Richard Harris and Alec Guinness but not the best movie for them.  Just something missing.  Boo is having a nice time.  Filled with garlic bread sticks, haha.  Going to a friend's house.  Time coming for another coffee.  Virginia Woolf, not the movie.  Haha.  Never read about her before.  Still waiting for January.  Trust is something important in any relationship.  Fan in shed is running and running and I can't get in to turn it off.  God is a funny  man.  Let's see how to send this.

The REST article is long, but interesting.

Virginia Woolf   REST Protein and Aging


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